Archivi del mese: ottobre 2013

Adapting projects to Android Studio 0.3

Android Studio 0.3 requires Gradle 1.8. Make sure that: in the project module’s build.gradle the following line points to gradle 0.6.+ classpath ‘’ In the, the next line points to gradle 1.8: distributionUrl=http\:// That’s pretty much it.

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Storing currency in a SQlite database

Use BigDecimal to represent currency and money. BigDecimal b = new BigDecimal(); String s = b.toPlainString(); Then when you pull it from the database you can create a new BigDecimal. BigDecimal c = new BigDecimal(String s)

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Fat fonts on Swing related applications

After installing Wine on Ubuntu 13.10, i got bold fonts all over Android Studio 0.3. Looks like there’s already a bug opened about this in Launchpad. Removing fonts-unfonts-core worked.

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